To Walk or Not to Walk… That is the Question

Recently I went to the doctor to have a PCOS check up to make sure everything is okay, since being diagnosed in March I have been trying some different medications to help me become regular. I also go to an endocrinologist because I was born without a thyroid, so I am on medicine for that as well, as I tell Loren, nothing is simple with me! 🙂 Well in my last round of doctor’s appointments my doctor’s have finally broke down and told me that I need to loose some weight, as if I wasn’t aware of this fact… duh! Before our wedding I lost about 20 lbs, which was amazing, women you know what I am talking about, it was like I had climbed Mt. Everest! Well since married life has settled in I have gained, I would say, about 15 ish pounds back, bummer! Now realize that I am by no means overweight, which with the combination of PCOS and hyprthyroidism, I am very lucky that I am not overweight. Nonetheless, I still need to keep my weight under control, so I can continue to eat Chick-fil-a (something I refuse to give up).

This bring me to the question, to walk or not to walk? One of the biggest reasons why I had so much success with losing weight is cardio. Cue the moaning and groaning. I agree with you completely, I hate running, but when paired with weight training and toning, it is the most effective way to lose weight. Well if you have been following me for the past couple of months you know that back in July I dropped a 4 lbs weight on my toe, which if you can imagine, has put a damper on my running game. Those of you reading who know me personally, know that I am always on the go, so within the month I was back exercising again. Well since I couldn’t run I have been walking, but during this time I have been wondering, have I really been burning THAT many calories, so I have done some research and have an answer. You burn more calories running than walking. Now there are some articles out there that can be a bit confusing, so I am going to explain it best I can, if you want to read the couple of articles that I read I will post the links. Basically, if you run for 20 minutes or walk for 20 minutes you will burn more calories running. If you run for 20 minutes, but walk for 50 minutes you will burn about the same, the other question is, do you have the time. The other factor is the amount of time that you stick with the exercising. Bottom line is with PCOS exercise and diet can be your best friend, so I will be walking as much as I can to help me loose weight.

The websites where I got this information from are runner’s world and Both are great sources of information for running and walking info. Well, wish me luck as I continue to lose weight!

Love always,
